Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Flying off the shelves

My kitchen cabinets fell out of the ceiling this morning. They broke away from the back wall. It's a nightmare.

Since this domestic horror started around 9 a.m. with a shuddering THWOMMMP that had me asking "Hey, what fell?" I've had to take a day off from work that I couldn't really afford to take. And I've been bagging and trashing junk -- I mean, flat-out junk -- that migrated with us during the August 1981 move from our old house in East Point to this house. Just reading that last sentence, I realize how ridiculous it all sounds. Seeing and dealing with it is much worse. Words don't do justice to the sickening feeling you get when you throw out a baby bottle warmer that looks super old... and you realize it was used to warm YOUR baby bottles. In 1972.

But as I was telling a friend this past weekend, you can either look at things in life or you can see through them. I choose to see through this, take the long view, find the silver lining among the black 39-gallon lawn-and-leaf bags littering the linoleum of my kitchen. One, when all this is over my kitchen cabinets will be nice and clean, plus newly reinforced by a real carpenter who knows what he's doing. Two, the trash pick-up guys who have been jerking me over for months on end by either showing up any old day of the week instead of their scheduled pick-up day or, usually, just not swinging by at all, are going to have a big surprise today in the form of a mountain of heavy Glad bags, neatly piled and tied, awaiting them at the curb. Heave ho, buddy.

After this, there's the little matter of that stupid, cheaply-built back shed that's literally falling down. A section of its back wall has chonked into the woods. That's next on my "to-destroy" list.

One nightmare at a time.


At 3:25 PM , Blogger Janna said...

One woman's nightmare is another's dream... I would LOVE to unleash my OCD on something like that. I love cleaning and throwing things away and getting rid of clutter. I'm kind of an anti pack rat, which is why reading this post makes me all "man I wish I could help her" and "wow... juniors dept really is the perfect job for me. Sad."

Good luck!

At 5:29 PM , Blogger rekkidbraka said...

I threw away a Veg-O-Matic still in its box. Said appliance and box? From 1961. My mom's comment: "Well, there's nothing wrong with it. It's never been used."


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