Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My eyes have seen you

Just before stepping into the shower this morning, I noticed a spider huddling in the far right corner of the stall. I'm not a fan of spiders anyway but this one was black, small and beefy -- likely to bite me if bothered -- and my guess was that one man's shower is another spider's bother. So I wadded up a bunch of toilet paper, trapped it, killed it and flushed it. I washed up, took my shower (quickly, mind you, after that experience), got ready for work and here I am -- alive and well. The world is, alas, less one spider.

But as steam clouds overtook the bathroom windows, I thought about what it took for our paths to ultimately cross - the spider and me. I never use that guest room shower. On Sunday night, the shower door setup in my bathroom came crashing down on me in the tub/shower, luckily not injuring me, but forcing me to use the other bathroom for the week.

What if someone else had been in the shower Sunday when the doors fell in? What if I hadn't had to switch showers and I hadn't seen that spider this morning? What if someone else hadn't seen that spider? What is it deep inside us, as humans, that warns us against falling doors or of even the tiniest perceived threat?


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