Friday, September 16, 2005

An island, entire of itself

Momentum won't let you stop or even pull off to the side, really, once you've given it the gas in order to join the mad rush on the freeway. At least that's how I reasoned it out when I caught sight of the beautiful black dog, probably a lab mix, sitting among the tall green grass in the large interchange island as I was speeding down the on-ramp.

It was just relaxing there like it owned the grassy expanse, taking in the morning sun, seemingly unaware of the toxic traffic hurtling past. My first inexplicable thought was that I wished I had my camera to snap a picture of this rare sight. Then I wanted to stop and pick the dog up, take it to the local animal control office and do what I could to keep it from being hit or killed on the interstate. But how could I, really, at 45 m.p.h. and gaining, plus having already passed the island with nowhere to back up? It would be dangerous to the dog. And to me. Also, while the Pound was somewhat preferable to the interstate it was still the Pound. Who knew if the dog would be hit if left alone?

Driving on, I reckoned it wasn't my decision to make. Coming home, I exited on the opposite side of the freeway, craning my neck to see if the dog was still sunning itself in the island. I didn't see it. I'm hoping it just went home, wherever it lives, and that its island adventure is at an end, with someone's prayers answered for its safe return.


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