Thursday, September 08, 2005

Good goes around

After visiting my dad at the hospital today and noticing that he looked a little more tired than he had in our previous visits, my mom and I went to our favorite pizza place nearby to get some lunch. We used to go there on a semi-regular basis until my mom's legs got so weak that she just didn't have the energy anymore. But she loved going and so today she asked if we could go there for lunch and of course I said yes. It was nice to be there with her, just like the old days. We're best friends, my mom and me.

When we asked for the check, the waitress told us that the guy who'd been sitting one booth across from us had already paid for our lunch. He'd asked her not to say anything about it until after he'd left. My mom and I were beside ourselves, amazed at the man's kindness. I hastily wrote a note to him, thanking him for his generosity and for reminding me that people are basically good (see my "One bad apple" blog).

Later, I handed our waitress a $5 tip and the note, asking if she'd please give it to the guy next time he came in. She said she'd try but that he wasn't a regular -- she'd never seen him in there before. She thought he knew us. He didn't. After giving her the short version of how my purse had been stolen, she smiled and said, "See? Good things come around." Indeed.


At 4:00 PM , Blogger Sherman said...

Gee, all that good karma and 3 blog spam posts follow. You're due some good stuff your way, Rekkid. I'll have to say I never had anyone pay for my lunch before... at least not a stranger.

I've sent drinks to a table before but that's a different story...

At 8:37 PM , Blogger rekkidbraka said...

Thanks for the good words, Sherman. I'm learning that spam, if not good, definitely goes around. Heh.


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