Saturday, December 03, 2005

Kicks and giggles

Last night, leaving work at an ungodly hour again, my co-worker and I lamented our collective fate. Resigned to this lot in life where our weekends are currently spent in the grey confines of the newsroom, we joked about how fabulous our social lives as thirtysomething young women were going of late.

My own boss had called earlier that night, asking if I could work overtime - almost unheard of at our newspaper - because my colleague wouldn't be back from New Jersey today in time for her night shift. I said it was no problem to work the 6 p.m.-2 a.m. graveyard haul.

Walking out into the freezing night air, I told my co-worker about this, how my boss had plaintively asked "Can you work Saturday night?"

"Of course I told him yes," I said to my friend as we made our way to our cars. "I mean, what girl wouldn't want to spend her Saturday night here at the newspaper, posting copy and photos online?"

She laughed out loud, cracking a joke, and we laughed some more. We said we'd see each other -- tonight -- at another regular meeting of our girls' social club, got into our cars and drove off into the frigid night.


At 11:54 PM , Blogger Sherman said...

I used to have some late nights when I worked at the Fillmore. I'd get out most nights at 11 and usually end up drivng a couple of co-workers to the Mission district, where there are tons of bars, and they'd stay out all night while I went home. I went out a couple of times but things usually didn't wind down from those evenings till about 4 or 5 so I couldn't do that and still go to school in the morning.

Nowadays I have to get to bed early so I can start work at 6:00 am. Oh, how times have changed!


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