Thursday, October 27, 2005

That bike

That bike was just lying there yesterday morning in the dewy green grass on the park's edge, right by the side of the busy street. I don't know how long it had been there but something about the way it was lying there -- as if it had been dropped suddenly, like if you were startled or fell -- disturbed me.

Maybe I read too much into things. OK, I know I read too much into things. That's why I couldn't just drive past it again. My street is to the right of the park. But I turned left.

Cruising slowly by the park, I looked for that bike's owner -- some kid, probably? There was no one in the park. And it was around 10 a.m. so any kid in the park should be in school, anyway. Everything there was still, green and quiet. The swings didn't move.

Kids don't just drop their bikes next to busy roads. Bikes are the only wheels kids have; they don't just ditch them wherever. That bike shouldn't be there. That bike means something happened to some kid in order for some kid to leave it. That bike bothers me.

That bike isn't lying in the grass at the park anymore. I don't know what to think.

Maybe I read too much into things.


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