Thursday, October 13, 2005

No strings attached

After talking, in a sense, to my friend today about the idea of being there for someone even when it's incredibly tough for you to do -- being someone's safety net -- it hit me that often when I've taken a hard fall, there haven't been many nets cast to catch me.

So what you do when you don't have many nets to choose from is this: You make your own. It's tiring, lonely work but if you don't do it, no one else will. Your fingers go numb from working on the knots, your hands ache from trying to strengthen the same ties over and over and you can't let yourself think about the task too much because the truth is that you'll never really be finished. And just when you think your self-made net is strong enough, the tiniest thread starts unraveling and the whole thing can come undone. When you fall and the net isn't there, naturally it hurts. You can lie there and wish someone had held a net out for you or you can get up and get started on your next net.

Once you start working on the first new knot, you get really involved in planning how this creation will be so much stronger than the last and little by little the pain starts to subside.


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