Sunday, October 09, 2005

Decisions, decisions

Maybe I shouldn't have asked.

"So have you girls figured out what you're going to be for Halloween this year?"

"No," my nieces and their super bestest friend ever, my adopted "extra" niece, replied in a morose way that caught me off-guard. The girls sat at the kitchen counter, looking like three little old-timers at a bar as their high-pitched giggling and squealing about general girlstuff took a powder and the more serious question of trick-or-treat costuming, with all its intricacies, took over their thoughts. My 10-year-old niece absentmindedly pushed her near-empty glass towards me and I refilled it. She took a long, slow refresher, pondering. This was heavy stuff.

"Well," Niece No. 1 said, finishing her pick-me-up and pushing the glass my way for a second refill, "I was going to go as Darth Sidious from Star Wars but Anna beat me to it." Looking lost, she stared off into the space of the breakfast nook.

"Yeah," Niece No. 2 chimed in, "that could be a problem since we're going trick-or-treating with Anna this year. I don't know what I'm going to be." Propping her elbows on the counter, she forlornly tucked her chin in her palms, sighing.

My Extra Niece didn't even bother explaining her own woes. Instead, she sat quietly between her buddies, staring blankly at the house dog, Roxy, who was literally loving her fluffy sheep chew toy to death by gnawing its face off. Niece No. 3's thin little slumped shoulders and wide, sad brown eyes said more than words ever could.

Later that evening, I posed the same question to Niece No. 2's friend from school, who was spending the night: "What are you going to be for Halloween this year?" She had a ready answer.

"A witch," she huffed, frowning, in a tone usually reserved for teenage girls, not nine-year-olds. "AGAIN. In my mom's old witch costume that she wore when she was a kid. I've been a witch for two whole years now."

The world needs its Darth Sidiouses but October 31 is a witching night if there ever was one. You can't argue with the classics.


At 1:47 PM , Blogger Jilly-O said...

I'm going to be either a pirate, or a baseball player. I was going to be Johnny Damon, but well, we know why i can't now.

At 1:55 PM , Blogger rekkidbraka said...

Sorry to do this to you, sweets, but... GO SOUTHSIDE SOX! GOOD GUYS WEAR BLACK, BABY!

Hey, if the Braves can't get it done then my dream ALCS is Yankees-ChiSox. I'm from the Southside of Atlanta and I have to give love to the Chi-town Southsiders. I've been a longtime fan of theirs since I hatehateHATE Cubs fans and have no real love for the Northsiders themselves.

At 8:26 PM , Blogger Sherman said...

Last thing I wore as a Halloween costume was a chef's outfit. Not very original considering I wore those whites through 2 years of school.

My friend's daughter, Gabriella, has her heart set on being Snow White this year so I'm pretty sure that's what she's going to be. I just wonder if she'll be able to convince her father to be her "Dopey."

At 9:20 PM , Blogger rekkidbraka said...

Doesn't Dad always end up in the role of "Dopey" anyway, Halloween or not? Mine did back in the day, poor guy. :-)

At 10:17 PM , Blogger Sherman said...

You've got a great point, but it'd be fun to see him in the soft hat and sleeves-too-long shirt following his little girl around. hehe

At 1:22 AM , Blogger Janna said...

I was either a bunny or a witch for the vast majority of my trick-or-treating days. The last two years creativity hit me. . . I made a skeleton costume out of contact paper and a black sweatsuit and the next year I was the Y2K bug. It was awesome. I think a trip to a hobby store might do wonders for the moods of your neices.

At 5:09 PM , Blogger mantaraggio said...

My best friend always goes as a "midnight priestess"...which basically equals "a slut in all black."

At 6:44 PM , Blogger rekkidbraka said...

Just on Halloween or, like, whenever? Heh.


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