Friday, October 21, 2005

Group thinking

While it may come as a surprise to anyone who knows me now, I really do have good friends who absolutely love me. Some of you are probably thinking "Uhhh... Why?" but, snarky as I am now, I was actually a sweet, kind of innocent kid back in my early college days who did her best to work and play well with others. The snark was always there but it didn't blossom until much, much later.

In high school, I never participated in a single afterschool club or activity. Because I was really shy - socially awkward, even. I didn't have many high school friends, except for the kids who lived in my neighborhood. My friends were older - the people I worked with at the mall, Cinnamon and her then-boyfriend - both in college, my older cousins who had all already graduated from high school or college. So I didn't relate to most of the kids at school. I just passed through the hallways, invisible and not caring. But not really happy, either.

But at GSU, friends were waiting for me to complete their circle. I'm talking about my friends who are really like a second family to me, my friends who Knew Me When and who have helped shepherd me into being the kind of woman who's worthy of "Aunt" status to their kids now, my friends who I would do anything for and who would - and have - been right there for me when I really needed them.

I've been blessed to be a member of The Group.

Can I tell you how we came to be known, amongst ourselves, as The Group? Not really. From 1995-98, we saw each other all the time, usually up at Thom and Vanessa's bungalow, for get-togethers involving good friends, great conversation and always, always excellent wine and food. Rob and Merry and the "singles" -- Julianne, Mark and I -- would tool up there to party on the porch, just hanging out, laughing and talking until it was so late that everyone had to go home and grab some shuteye before getting up for work or, in my case, the college tenure that would never seemingly end. Maybe "The Group" came about because of Vanessa always answering my "So who's going to be there?" party guest questions with "Oh, you know. Just the group." That's got to be it.

The Group. Man, we had so much fun back then when we were going strong. They threw me the best birthdy party I've ever had or, actually, have ever been to. Yes, I said "birthdy" and no, it's not a misprint. Halfway through the fiesta (and the selection of cabernets), Vanessa looked up at the hanging lettered Happy Happy banner she'd bought at Kmart down the street earlier in the day and just laughed out loud. The banner, in brightly colored capital letters, read HAPPY BIRTHDY. And so ever since then, I don't have birthdays with The Group. I have BIRTHDYS. It was the best birthdy ever. I turned 25.

But people change and move or whatever and splintering happens. Julianne moved back to Michigan and I lost one of my best Group party chatter buddies. Mark got married to someone we tried to accept into The Group (we're all for more members) who had some real problems, with us and within herself. We never see Mark anymore and that's the way it has to be, sadly.

And yet, The Group lives on. The core membership is still there: Thom, Vanessa, Rob, Merry and me. We've got great new members, too - Thom and Vanessa's little boys, Nora (my new party buddy) and her husband Eric, Dave and Pam - party couple du jour, Vanessa's brother John-John and his lovely wife Kim, their sweet baby girls -- the list keeps growing. Thom, Vanessa, Rob and Merry - they love me, for whatever reason. They saw something in me that they knew was special back when everyone else passed me over and for that, I will always love them. Always.

This past Sunday, Vanessa hosted a baby shower for Merry and I wanted to be there but couldn't. I'd left my big bag of baby gifts for Merry and Rob (and Baby Cole) with Vanessa earlier in the week, driving the near-50 miles north of my house to do so. Not being at Merry's shower saddened me. Because Merry and Rob are like family to me and soon Baby Cole will be, too. I get to be an "Aunt" again, which I love. Baby Cole. He's going to be our newest member.

Welcome to The Group. We're glad you'll have us.


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