Monday, March 27, 2006

Six years and counting

Today marks my sixth year here at the newspaper. Aside from working at Turtle's back in college -- I was there seven years -- this is the longest "steady job" I've had and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. I got a sort of cheesy laser-printed "In Appreciation of Five Years' Service" certificate last year but today just came and went (or is still going on, actually). The most excitement? Waiting on a parking spot in our always-crowded lot closest to the building. I was 15 minutes late because of that. Oh, the drama.

Aside from The Big Six, I heard back from the contact at Atlanta Rollergirls about the volunteer DJ thing. I was right on. They're pretty set for this season but she was nice and said she'd pass my name along to Demi Gore (ha - good one), who's in charge of Everything ATLRG. It's all good. At least I gave it a shot and that's something.

Hang on a sec. How could I forget this? My good friend and former co-worker Nadirah was here at the paper this afternoon, visiting the old crew. She's back from Ghana, where she'd been living and working for the past year or so. Few things brighten a room like Nadirah's smile and just being around her gives you this feeling that things are going to be OK. I'm glad she's back in the States. Ghana's loss is definitely our gain. I've missed my friend.


At 1:33 PM , Blogger Sherman said...

Congratulations on six years.

Speaking of old friends, I just was in the East coast(blog updates to come soon, promise). There I met up with an old friend, Tim. Now even though we talk a lot on the phone and email each other constantly, we haven't seen each other in quite a while and I've never been to his place out in CT. It was sort of surreal to hang out with him like we used to in high school (yeah, we go WAY back). We fell back into old conversations. Though a little rusty, our timing was still there and the jokes came easier with a little time. I don't know how long he'll be out in CT before he comes back to the West Coast (I guess whenever his fiancee finishes her residency) but I do know that it'll be great when I can spend more time with him and visit him more often.


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