Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My windfall

Reflexes and our human physiology are amazing, aren't they? Our peripheral vision notes something out of the ordinary and in less than a split second, it tells our brain to react, our brain sends the message to the proper body parts and we're chasing that odd something down. Or in my case, stomping on it as it tried to blow past in the middle of the shopping center parking lot on Monday.

That's how I ended up with the nearly-new, still crisp dollar bill. I was elated. I'm one of those people who never just finds money.

Later in the evening, I put it into the vending machine at work, which promptly ate it, spitting out "change" of 45 cents and nothing else in return at me. I was thirsty and nothing but milk would do. The sliding door chose not to slide and our cafeteria owes me $1.10. (Since the first buck didn't do the trick, of course I had to try the machine again. Which, of course, didn't work. Again.)

I miss my found dollar. I lost it too soon. In my hands, in that parking lot, just for a moment before I put it into my bag, I did feel a little bit special.


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