Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I suck at life right now. This afternoon was glorious - low humidity, sunshine, moderate heat - and although it doesn't get dark until 9 p.m., I didn't even make an effort to hit the park and WALK, much less jog, the two miles that I'd planned. How pathetic.

The Peachtree Road Race - a 10K, 6.2-mile road race - happens July 4. This will be my fourth PRR and, barring last year's "Thank God I Just Lived To Tell How Sucky My Time Was Because I Had The Flu And Ran The Damn Thing Anyway Like A Fool" race from Hell itself (in which I posted a time SEVEN MINUTES over my average time), this may be my worst. Every year I say "Oh, I am SO unprepared! I just have NOT trained!" but really, I have. Well, this year? It's true. I am so unprepared. I just have not trained.

Caviat: I am finishing up a five-day course of meds for a mild sinus infection/throat inflammation. I had to go to my ENT this past Friday. It's no excuse but I have been coughing all day, albeit not as seriously as I have been all week.


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