Friday, August 26, 2005

Oh, you handsome devil

Sitting in a seemingly endless line of traffic this morning, I watched the attractive man in front of me go through what I have to presume is a precise daily grooming ritual. Combing down his hair, so closely-cropped that it was nearly shaven, he then patted, re-patted and re-re-patted his freshly-combed scalp to ensure that nary a pristine hair was out of place. Then he checked again, just to be absolutely certain he hadn't missed a spot.

Putting his brush away, he next checked the length of his nose hairs - most likely also freshly-trimmed - in his rearview mirror before allowing himself a minute to finally relax and take a break from preening. We moved up a few feet towards the light and traffic stopped again.

As he flipped down the driver's side sun visor, carefully peering into its small mirror along with the rearview mirror to his right in order to now check his hair from both side angles at once, I pushed the "random" button on my CD player, then pushed it again when I was dissatisfied with the track that began playing. I'm picky like that.


At 12:24 PM , Blogger mantaraggio said...

Just what I needed, another password to remember. Sigh.

At least he didn't bring a nosehair trimmer with him in the car. That would've been something to see. And imagine if he hit the breaks at an inopportune time, imagine the looks he would get at the ER.

At 12:59 PM , Blogger Sherman said...

I used to drive oxygen around for a living and got to see quite a few things in people's cars. It was quite easy to peer in when you drive a tall truck like I did. It's amazing what people will do other than just drive. I'd have to say preening is pretty tame compared to some of the stuff I've seen.

At 1:13 PM , Blogger g3jedi said...

Thats too funny. Maybe this would be the opening paragraph for a pitch to make 360 mirrors in cars for all those "need to primp" guy out their.

Watch using the random button on your CD player. Its not really random at all. More like what your car really wanted to hear at that exact moment.

Wow, now that was random.

Nice blog. Found it on accident.

Hope you don't mind. Don't really care if you do.


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