Monday, August 22, 2005

Welcome home, Roxy Carmichael

My niece and I picked up her new German Shorthaired Pointer puppy, Roxanne (Roxy for short; this blog's title comes from the "Roxy Carmichael" joke I'd made earlier in the day), at the ATL airport this afternoon and before we'd even toted Roxy's carrier literally 50 feet from baggage claim the sweet little baby girl already had people lining up to pet her. We'd brought cameras to document Roxy's grand arrival and when Anya, a pretty little blonde of about nine or ten, asked if she could pet and smooch the newest family member we of course said yes. But Anya was also acting as kid lookout for us since we weren't supposed to take Roxy out of the carrier and we, in fact, had done just that in order to give our baby girl some much-needed water and leg-stretching time.

Snapping a photo of my niece, Roxy and Anya, who was just passing through ATL on her way to some destination far away that will forever remain a mystery, we got a huge smile from the little girl when we told her she was Roxy's first friend in Atlanta and that we'd make sure and put that on the back of the picture when we put it in the photo album. "Bye Roxy!," Anya said, smiling and waving back at us, skipping off to rejoin her own family somewhere at baggage claim.

That ad is true. Dogs rule.


At 12:34 PM , Blogger Sherman said...

Not quite sure I've ever seen that ad but yeah they do rule. My best friend in Las Vegas, James has the sweetest dogs. A large German Shepherd, Storm. She has a predilection towards licking bellybuttons if she sees 'em. Shadow, his Husky, is the sweetest little guy. He has one blue eye and one brown eye and he warbles when he howls at you.

They LOVE their uncle Sherman.


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